In Mondulkiri Province, explore the world of the Asian elephant at the Elephant Valley Project, where you spend time shadowing two families of elephants in the jungle, meet the local mahouts of the Banong indigenous community, and learn about how they work and live with their elephants, the ecosystem of the forest and conservation efforts
Explore the breathtaking monuments of Angkor including the Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm, beautiful Bayon and more
Learn firsthand about village life through “The Kouk Dong Backstreet Academy”, and the local activist and community builder, who started a private school for underprivileged children and revived traditional rice husking methods in the community
Travel into Cambodia’s northwest to discover the temple site of Banteay Chhmar, one of the ‘four most threatened sites in the world,’ and stay in a small tented camp, established as a community-based tourism project to provide local people with opportunities to learn new job skills and encounters with people from other parts of the world
Spend days on the private island of Song Saa, an idyllic resort where you can relax, snorkel, kayak and enjoy a revitalizing spa treatment